Players: 2+
Time: 20-60 minutes depending on number of players.
Equipment: Each player gets 1 non-see-through cup and 5 dice.
Goal: You win by being the last one left with dice. You are out of the game once you lose all your dice.
- Place the 5 dice in your cup, shake, then quickly place the cup updside down on the table, thereby trapping your dice beneath the cup so that no one can see your dice.Designate someone to begin the first round. All further rounds will be begun by the winner of the preceding round.
- 1's are wild.
- Player 1 begins by saying a number of dice digits, such as six 4\'s. This means that Player 1 believes out of all the dice on the table, there are at least six of the dice are displaying the number 4, including wilds.
- The person to the left (Player 2) then either has the choice to call or continue. If Player 2 calls, that means he does not believe Player 1 to be correct. Everyone then lifts their cups and the dice are counted (including wilds). If Player 1 was correct, Player 2 loses a die. If Player 2 was correct, Player 1 loses a die. The winner then begins the next round.
- When a player is out of dice, they are out of the game and the game continues with the remaining players, till 1 player is left, who is the winner. If Player 2 decides to continue, he must go 1 or more higher in number, but he DOES NOT have to use the same die digit, meaning he does not have to stay on 4's. So Player 2 would say seven or more of any number.
- OR, Player 2 can cut the number in half, and choose 1's. This effectively removes the wilds from the game, (since 1s are wild). Meaning he could say three 1's. If the Player 1 had said an odd number (like 7) then Player 2 would have had to say a minimum of four 1's. Also note that Player 1 could have begun the round with 1's if he wanted to. Player 3 now has to decided wether to call Player 2, or continue by incrementing the number.
- If Player 2 had chosen 1's, then Player 3 would have to add another number to the number of 1's, such as four 1's. OR, Player 3 could double+1 the number, and choose a digit that is not 1's. So if player 2 had said three 1's, Player 3 would have to choose a minimum of seven of any other number. Meaning he doubled+1 the number being said.
- Palifico - If a player reaches 1 die during the game, the game goes into Palifico (Puh Liff Ick O). Everyone on the table announces "PALIFICO!". The player with the single die begins this round by saying a number and the die digit they choose (such as two 3's). During the Palifico round, there are no wilds, and the digit CANNOT be changed. Meaning everyone must now stay on 3's. Once that round is complete, normal play resumes (even though the player with 1 die may still be in the game). Unless of course, that round causes yet another Palifico.
- Jonti - If a player calls Jonti on his turn, it means that the Player thinks there are EXACTLY as many as the preceding player called. Everyone then lifts up their cups and if the player is correct, HE GETS A DIE. Otherwise he loses a die. You can however, NEVER have more than 5 dice.