Monday, April 28, 2008

Greed / Farkel

Players: 2+
Time: 15-30 minutes dependong on number of players.
Equipment: 6 dice
Goal: First player to 10,000 points wins


  • Each player takes turns rolling the 6 dice. Players must earn points on each roll, otherwise they lose all the points they have accumulated during that round. Players can choose to stop at anytime to "bank" their points. Banked points can never be lost.
  • Scoring:
  • 1's - 100 points
  • 5's - 50 points
  • Three 1's = 1000 points
  • Three of a kind of any other number = die x 100 - (three 3's = 300 points, three 5's = 500 points, etc)
  • Six-Dice Straight (1,2,3,4,5,6) = 1000 points
  • All Doubles = 1000 points
  • If a player gets 4,5, or 6 of a kind, the points double each time beyond the Three of a Kind. Since three 5's are worth 500 points, if the player rolled 4 fives - it would be worth 1000 points since it doubles each time beyond the three of a kind. Five 5's would be 2000 points. Six 5's would be 4000 points. Four 2's would be worth 400 points. Five 2's would be worth 800 points. Six 2's would be worth 1600 points. Therefore, four 1's would be 2000 points, with six 1's being worth 8000 points.
  • If at anytime a player has rolled and scored on all six dice, he may pick them all up and continue his scoring with all six dice.
  • If a player has two dice left, and he rolls doubles (even if they arent scoring doubles) the player may pick up all 6 dice again and continue scoring.
  • When Player 1 finally gets to the point where he decides to stop and bank his points, the scorekeeper adds the points to Player 1's score. Player 2 now gets to decide if he would like to continue scoring where Player 1 left off using the remaining unrolled dice, or if he wants to start the scoring at zero and roll all six dice. Regardless of player 2's decision, Player 1 still keeps his banked score no matter what.
  • So if Player 1 scored 1600 points and had one die left and decided to stop, Player 2 could pick up the one die and start his score at 1600. This does not cause Player 1 to lose his points. Player 2 MUST score and then stop in order to bank points just like in every other round. Player 3 may also roll off of Player 2 when he stops and so on till someone finally doesn't score and loses all the accumulated points.
  • Also, remember that dice ARE NOT ACCUMULATED TO MAKE A SCORE. A player must score on each roll. For example, if a player rolls two 1's on their first roll, they get 200 points. If on their next roll they roll another 1, they DO NOT merge the three 1's together to make 1000. The player simply gets 100 points for that roll, bringing their total score for that round to 300 so far.
  • Also of note, a player DOES NOT have to keep all the scoring dice each round. This means if a player rolls two 5's, he may wish to only keep one 5 for 50 points, but reroll the other with the remaining five dice for a better chance to roll a 3 of kind on the next roll. BUT THE PLAYER MUST KEEP A SCORE EACH ROUND NO MATTER WHAT. In other words, if the player rolls three 2's, and those are the only scoring dice, the player must keep the three 2's to continue rolling.

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